Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sushi and our attempt to see Palacio Real. Oh, and grocery shopping.

So last night we went out for sushi...ended up being overpriced, very meh, but it was a lot of fun. And as far as we know, no one's gotten sick, which is a big plus. :-)

Then today, sad story. Our university does free excursions for the students to go to tourist-y places while we're here in Spain (like last week was the Museo del Prado). Today was the Palacio Real, which I was actually really looking forward to. We could not find the group, and ended up missing them. Not sure if we came out the wrong metro entrance, or if we misunderstood where exactly we were supposed to meet. BUT we think they're going to repeat all of these excursions through the semester, so we'll just catch it next time around. Still, bummer. But I took a couple pictures of the outside.

We found Sarah. She missed the group, too, so we didn't feel as lame. And we went to ice cream to console ourselves.

And on the way home, we stopped at the grocery store so Emily could buy some cheese, and so I could be really weird and creepy and take pictures.

They sell hard a in the store. Weird. And you can buy a decent sized box of red wine for 0.55 Euro. Kelly Q would be so proud. ;-)

The eggs. Not in a refrigerator.

The milk. In boxes. Also not in a refrigerator. (Although the boxes are handy...I like that.)

Laughing Cow Cheese. Those who know me know how obsessed I am with this stuff. LOVE. IT. Love that they have it in Spanish. Lol.

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