Monday, October 25, 2010

Salamanca: Day 2

On day 2, we started the day with tours of the old & new cathedrals, and the Universidad de Salamanca which is the oldest university in Spain, and the fourth oldest in the Western World (University of Bologna, Italy; University of Oxford, UK; University of Montpelier, France), and it was founded in 1218. HOLINESS!!!

The Cathedrals:

The university!

The library:

When you get your doctorate, you get your name on the wall:

This is a classroom:

We went on a walking tour of the city after lunch/siesta to see some of the main parts besides the churches and university:

After the tour, we went shopping for a bit...Sarah, Katelyn, and I found the most random awesome shop. With awesome glasses.

Then Katelyn and I went to a 70's/80's/90's diner for dinner to meet her friend from her home university.

We watched fútbol!

This is what the Spanish do for pasta carbanara. YUM:

Katelyn's sandwich was HUGE:

12 shots for 5 Euros...Katelyn, Emily, and I split this:

And that was Day 2. It was a LOT of fun, got home at 12:30ish, and took a bath in the jacuzzi tub in our hotel. Fantastic. I miss baths, even though I do not take them in Moscow. Lol.

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